why do kids love science?

Science is basically the study of what surrounds us, it’s hands on, and it’s exciting because when you are studying the world around you, so many more possibilities and experiences open up for you, right before your eyes. Science can blow your mind! Did you know that Phytoplankton is responsible for more than half of the Earth’s oxygen, even more so than plants and trees?
Maybe that’s why kids love science. We’ve collected a handful of great science enrichment opportunities for both the kids who love science and the kids who don’t know they love science yet. Keep scrolling!

Check out PBS KIDS Design Squad Global blog.
Have you ever heard of biomimetics? Have you ever thought of designing a robot to help people? Head over to PBS Kids to learn more. They highlight some of the work of Swedish engineers who have created one of the coolest designs we’ve yet to see, the Robo-Bug. From the website: The engineers wanted to build an un-piloted flying robot, called a drone, that could help people. Drones are often used to find people after storms and other disasters, but the problem is they can crash into things and break. But insects are able to bump into things and still keep moving. So, the engineers designed a drone that copied insects: it was light, with a flexible frame that let it bounce right off obstacles. Nice!
check out the video below:

NASA at Home
Did you ever think you could team up with NASA experts in the comfort of your home to do a STEM project.
Well, you can! Here’s an excerpt from their website:
Join NASA experts to make STEM projects while hearing about the latest space missions and science.
Explore the wonder of space exploration from home. Here you can find out how to make rockets, Mars rovers and Moon landers out of materials you have at home.
Educators, they provide standard-aligned lessons as well. For lessons click HERE
They have lessons and activities for everyday of the school year! We’re highlighting the very awesome project of building a paper Mars Helicopter, a version of the actual Ingenuity. For those of you who don’t know Ingenuity is the actual helicopter that they have now proven can fly on another planet!

Did you know that we’ve explored more of outer space than we have our very own oceans?
For all the ocean lovers out there for those who want to feel like a kid again, check out the amazing resources from the Monterey Bay Aquarium! Here’s an excerpt from their website: These online courses and family-friendly science activities encourage a sense of wonder and connection to the natural world while teaching important science concepts.
They have online courses, parent led activities, curriculum, crafts and printables, animals A to Z, ocean habitats, and video lessons.
Check out the very entertaining story: Why do deep-sea animals look so weird?

Science @ Home
The California Academy of Sciences has so meticulously organized their @ home activities, from Arachnids, to Life on the Ice, to Swamps, you and your child get to pick from their jam-packed list of activities.
Here’s an excerpt from their website: Got some science-loving small frys at home? Keep them engaged with an all-new array of themed activity packs created for kids ages 4-11, packed with guided videos, hands-on crafts, and real experiments. New packs published every month!
Here’s a sample of one of their extension activities from the Life on the Ice page: “Why Do We Have Seasons?”

Hello World! Have you ever wanted to code but just didn’t know where to start?
Code.org has some amazing projects for beginners and experts alike and we would like to highlight one that we just happen to think is amazing! Code.org has created a coding project that let’s you re-create one of the scenes from the movie “The Bad Guys!”. Before you jump into coding though, take a look at this very inspirational video for boys and girls alike. Keep scrolling after you watch the video to find the link and start coding!
From the Code.Org website:
Create your project featuring The Bad Guys!
“Bring The Bad Guys characters to life with behaviors or add events to make different things happen over time or when you click.
New to coding? Try our Hello World intro to coding activity to learn the basics, then come back here to create your project with The Bad Guys.”